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Industry-Specific Proofreading

Industry-Specific Proofreading

This is the advanced “course” at Proofreading University. Once you’ve determined you have what it takes to become a proofreader and have learned the techniques and strategies you’ll need to succeed, you will need to apply what you’ve learned in specific industries.

You can think of each page as a short tutorial covering how to proofread documents in a specific industry. Together, these pages will help you become a well-rounded, sought-after freelancer or help you identify which industry or industries you may want to specialize in.

Each page about industry-specific proofreading is listed below. Feel free to go through them in order or pick and choose. At the bottom of each page are links to the previous and next pages to allow you to easily work your way through the material, but they can be read in any order.

How to Proofread Academic Papers

How to Proofreading Business Documents

How to Proofread Legal Documents

How to Proofread Fiction